Send us a picture of a few tags so we can assess it. We will send back a quote.

Skin Tag Removal Clinic (by a doctor)
68 Prospect St., Newmarket
Text or email a picture for a quote.
TEXT 905-726-5831
call 905-836-4200
Send us a picture of a few tags so we can assess it. We will send back a quote.
68 Prospect St., Newmarket
Text or email a picture for a quote.
TEXT 905-726-5831
call 905-836-4200
Our prices give you the best value
Doctor performed
Safe, Effective & no down time
Free Consultation
Our skin tag laser out-performs all other lasers in the industry; it is considered the "gold standard"
NOTE: we do not do facial skin tags
No down time, safe, and effective.
USUALLY 1 session is required
how do I remove skin tags... Bradford Aurora Newmarket
Text 905-726-5831
Call 905-836-4200
For your convenience, we take all bookings by any of the above methods. Please send us a picture of a few of your tags if you can so we can assess.
Skin tag removal...How do I remove skin tags?
Our prices are far below what a dermatologist would charge. Performed by a Doctor using our Laser . In your correspondence, please indicate the approximate number of tags and their general location(s)
Skin tag do I remove skin tags?
"...I had tags on my neck and and underarms...the laser zapped them pretty good...didn't even hurt..."
skin tag removal... how do I remove skin tags... Aurora Newmarket
"...fabulous place to get your tags removed...I highly recommend it..."
skin tag do I remove skin tags... Bradford Aurora Newmarket
"...the other clinic wanted $600 to do my skin tags.....Another dermatologist wanted $800...are you kidding me? ...this clinic was great and gave me the best price..."
skin tag removal how do i remove skin tags.. Bradford Aurora Newmarket
"...I had about 15 skin tags to be removed...small ones too...the laser worked great...small ones came off too..."
Skin Tag Removal
How do I remove Skin Tags
Bradford Aurora Newmarket
"...this place is the best...the Dr. was very caring and explained the procedure to me..."
skin tag removal... how do I remove skin tags
"...very nice and clean place...staff was excellent..."
skin tag removal... how do i remove skin tags... Bradford... Aurora.... Newmarket
They are formed on the face, neck, chest, underarms ,and groin.
During then treatment, a laser almost touches the skin surface and the tag falls off immediately or within two days
skin tag removal... how do I remove skin tags
Quite simply, it causes the tag to shrink, and it will fall off either immediately or within a few days.
Skin Tag Removal
How do I Remove Skin Tags?
Bradford Aurora Newmarket
Most of our clients have expressed that it feels like a soft rubber ban hitting the skin.
Skin Tag Removal
How Do I Remove Skin Tags
Bradford Aurora Newmarket
In some cases, there may be blood. But we have the necessary precautions to deal with it should it bleed.
It is done by a doctor with many years experience.
Skin tags are benign lesions which occur do to friction on the skin over time. This can be caused for example, by wearing a chain, wearing a bra , or wearing glasses.
At our clinic, we feel our price is the best in York Region. We strive at making it affordable. Please scroll down to "price"
how do i remove skin tags
skin tag removal
Why pay substatually more at your doctors or dermatologist clinic and wait weeks for the appointment? Immediate appointments available at a much lower price!
10 TAGS OR LESS.....$225
(if it's 1, or two-ish, 3-ish, 4-ish tags, ask the doctor for a discount)
11TH TAG ONWARDS....$295-$500
The majority of patients usually require one session.
Monday to Friday....9am-9pm
Saturday and Sunday...10am to 5pm
Please call ahead of time to arrange an appointment.
You may also set up an appointment by texting 905-726-5831
Skin tag removal
How do I remove skin tags
Our laser is specifically designed to fade away your Facial, Hand, and Body Age/Brown Spots. It is the "Gold Standard " in the industry
-Skin tag removal ...How do I remove skin tags?